We have made it to March! Ready for another awesome Virtual ParentCamp Week! ©ParentCamp, 2016-2021, All Rights Reserved
You will be sure to find a room which interests you this week, there is a WIDE variety!
Registration NOW for the March 10th, Virtual ParentCamp, bring a friend, just visit our Events page: https://www.parentcamp.org/event/2021-03-10-vpc/.
Please make sure you have downloaded/updated to the latest version of Zoom! Either download an update to your tablet/phone or download the update on your computer. You may ask why??? With the new version, you will be able to change rooms on your own! Even though Julie will miss seeing you all in the main room, you can now change rooms by yourself, but you need the latest version of Zoom in order to do it. She will still be in the main room if you need assistance, it is ok.
Here we go!

Room 1 [Strengthen] – Making Our Schools Father-Friendlier and Why It’s Important
Facilitator: Allan Shedlin (@DADvocacyCG), Founding DADvocate, DADvocacy Consulting Group
Allan Shedlin, founder of DADvocacy is back with us this week and we are thrilled! This is Allan’s passion area and there is no one better than him to lead this discussion!

Room 2 [Strengthen] – A Not So Scary Talk About Race: The Impact Our Language Has On Those Around Us
Facilitator: Cam F Awesome (@camfawesome), Diversity & Inclusion Consultant
Awesome is going to be the theme for this room this week. Cam is an Emmy Nominated, 6 time USA National Champion, 4 time Golden Gloves National Champion, 2 Time Olympic Trials Champion Heavyweight boxer, and former Captain of the USA National boxing team. Cam Awesome is also a proud Member of the National Speakers Association. Cam is a diversity consultant whose overall goal is to address “the elephant in the room” in a way to create change, not place blame.

Room 3 [Strengthen] – How to Mentor Teens to Standout and Showcase Their Unique Ideas & Strengths to the World
Facilitator: Michael Cohen (@TheTechRabbi), DubbleUp
Michael Cohen, The Tech Rabbi, is a designer, educator and creativity instigator. His mission is to help empower students to solve interesting problems and become positive contributors to our global society. He is the author of the book Educated By Design, which outlines his principles for revealing and nurturing our innate creative courage and capacity.
In this session we will discuss, brainstorm, and deep dive into the “whys, what if’s, and how might we” of mentoring teens in developing the mindset, awareness, and confidence to carve their own pathway to thrive in today’s world. And if we are lucky enough and it works out, some of Michael’s students may be joining us.

Room 4 [Strengthen] – Making Our School Buildings Healthier and Why It Matters
Facilitator: Gary Kannenberg (@garykannenberg), Environmental Scientist
Gary is an environmental scientist who works with schools to make their buildings healthier and safer for students, faculty & staff. He’s spent the last 35 years solving indoor air quality, asbestos, lead paint, lead in drinking water, radon, and worker safety problems in schools and other buildings. Plus learn ways to make your home healthier!
Register now at https://www.parentcamp.org/event/2021-03-10-vpc/ and make sure you invite a friend!
#ParentCamp #VirtualParentCamp #FSCEI #FamilySchoolCommunityEngagementIntegration #DadsinEd #Fathers #FatherFriendlySchools #AllanShedlin #Race #Language #ImpactOthers #CamFAwesome #MentorTeens #Strengths #Entrepreneur #TechRabi #MichaelCohen #HealthyBuildings #HealthySchools #HealthyHomes #GaryKannenberg #Environment #Covid
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/455989762512580